Bison Effects Line – Disposable Vaporizers

Elevate Your Experience with Bison Effects Line Disposable Vaporizer: Unmatched Quality in Every Puff

Encycloweedia Bricannabis is esca-pen with vape pens as I explore the Bison’s new “Effects” vaporizer line up. Each disposable vape is an all in one rechargeable battery and cannabis cartridge, easy to use and discreet when carting it around . The half gram disposables come in three varieties; Calm, Creative, and Focus. Each one holds a mixture of cannabinoids and terpenes designed with specific effects in mind. While they’re designed to be disposed of after emptied of oil, the pens can be charged with a micro-USB cable in the event the battery dies.

The first pen I puffed on was Creative. While THC dominant, Bison’s Creative pen includes cannabinoids like THCv, CBC, and CBG. Paired with a dominant terpene lime up of Citronellol, Limonene, and alpha-Phellandrene the oil makes for an energizing mixture that seemed to give me multiple highdeas at once. The pen pulled smoothly and the sublime taste of lime lingered on my tongue. After the first sip I could feel the magic at work and it was not long before ideas were flowing from my brain. Throughout the week I enjoyed sipping on Creative when I was writing or gaming. Creative kept my head in the clouds and my mind wandered as I wondered.

One thing was for sure though, there were times I needed to be a bit more grounded throughout the week, and that’s when I weedched for Focus. The citrus flavor of this vape leaned more toward lemon and I found it the tastiest of Bison’s new vape trio. Focus has a 2:1 ratio of THC and CBG, with smaller amounts of THCv and CBC to create a mellow, happy, uplifting feeling. I’ll terp the list of ingredients with dominant terpenes alpha-Pinene, Linalool, and Eucalyptol. Focus kept me in a great mood without too much haziness, and my mind didn’t wander like it did with Creative. Focus was my best friend doing housework or yard work. I didn’t feel slow and was singing silly songs to my dog as I worked.

While both Creative and Focus were great to sip on throughout the day, I saved Calm for the evening. You’ll end up with a mouth full of lavender flavor from this vape. Calm pens contain a 2:1 THC to CBD ratio and include CBC and CBN, with Linalool, Limonene, and beta-Caryophyllene for top terpenes. That’s a mouthful in itself! A quick inhale or two had me calm-pletely relaxed, and I fell asleep on the couch before I could finish a film multiple nights. I didn’t have any trouble baking up in the morning either, feeling refreshed and well rested. With this trio of disposable vapes at my fingertips I had the perfect effect for any activity throughout the day and into the night.

Joking and Toking:

Why do stoners make such great friends?
They really love their buds!

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